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Missing 17 year old girl in San Diego: Chelsea King

March 1, 2010

Hi friends,
Attached is a letter from parents of a 17 year old girl who has gone missing in San Diego county.  The family are acquaintances of one our our IPP board members.
Please pray and pass this along to your friends and neighbors.  Knowing enough about human trafficking and the possibilities out there, I just want to encourage us all to keep our eyes open and our hearts in prayer for Chelsea.
Thank you,
Shannon Keith
International Princess Project


Subject: Chelsea King

Our beautiful daughter, Chelsea King, has gone missing. She is one of those
GREAT kids. The ones that have HUGE dreams that make all  of us smile. When she
walks into a room, she lights it up with her energy. She is a 17 yr old Senior
at Poway high school, currently taking 4 ap classes and carrying a 4.2 GPA. She
is a very accomplished french horn player who plays in her school band as well
as for the San Diego youth Symphony. She volunteeers her time through her peer
counseling group at high school to assist others when they need help. She needs
your help now.

I am asking that everyone that reads this forward it to your entire database of
friends, family and work.  Additionally I need your help in building a campaign
to keep awareness focused on finding our daughter. I am hoping that I can create
shirts, cards, posters, websites, anything you can think of to keep her in the
eyes of the public. I do not want to limit this to San Diego-

I’ve attached a flyer and a picture we are handing out- please print it and do
the same. Chelsea is a very strong, resourceful girl. Her future is unlimited,
we just need to get her back. Thanks for all your prayers for Chelsea’s safe
return. It means everything to me and my family.

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